The Ohio Region Classic Car Club of America charter states that the club shall be governed by a Board of Managers elected by the membership and consisting of twelve members and two alternates. The terms shall be three years, with 1/3 of the management expiring each year. Below are the names of our current board members. We thank them for their generous donation of time to keep our club going strong.

Margus Sweigard – Director

John Jones – Assistant Director

Christine Snyder – Secretary

Frank Beard – Treasurer

Mike Schott – Membership Chair

Dave Heinrichs – Head Judge

Jim Keller – Awards Chair

Chuck Loper

Dolf Kamper

Lee Wolff

Kathy Wolk

John Dunlap

Jim Cowin

Below are some previous board members who continue to volunteer their time in support of the club.  

We thank them for time and energy. 

Bob Brown – Equipment, Father’s Day Show Field Layout & Head Judge Emeritus

Matt Harwood – Northern Lights Editor, Father’s Day Show Head Judge

Melanie Harwood – Father’s Day Show Coordinator & Registrar, Sponsorship, Webmaster

ORCCCA is always looking for new volunteers. 
If you’re interested in joining the board of managers, volunteering, or planning an event please  CONTACT US.